
  • Christian Education Ministry
    ministryMission:To energize the congregation's interest in Christian education. To promote Christian education in the home, church and work.
  • Communication Ministry
    Mission:To spread the Gospel through modern technology To involve interested people in media ministry.
  • Deacon Ministry
    ministryMission:To promote and enhance the ministry of the deacons as it relates to the vision and misssion of the Church. To highlight the auxiliaries under the Deacon Ministry
  • Christian Women's Fellowship
    ministryMission:To promote Christian fellowship among the women of the church; to discover and utilize the spiritual gifts and expertise of women; to present a variety of programs to enhance spiritual growth and encourage cammaraderie amoung the membership.
  • Christian Men's Fellowship
    ministryMission:To promote Christian fellowship among the men of the church; to discover and utilize the spiritual gifts and expertise of men; to present a variety of programs to enhance spiritual growth and encourage camaraderie among the membership.y
  • Griefshare
    Mission:To minister to people grieving the death of a loved one. The need for this ministry is very evident. The death of a spouse, child, family member or friend is devasting. As humans, we must grieve a loss so deep and significant. GriefShare is a tool to help those persons grieving to successfully go through this necessary process.
  • Hospitality Ministry
    minsitryMission:To promote and demonstrate our motto of being a "caring, loving, warm-hearted church."
  • Music Ministry
    ministry2Mission:To glorify God and to enhance the ministry of the church through a variety of musical expressions.
  • Outreach Ministry
    Mission:To focus on providing relevant ministries beyond our walls. To emphasize our mission of meeting the needs of others in the basis of God's resources.
  • Pastoral Staff Ministry
    griefMission:To emphasize the role of each member in the ministry of the church. To highlight the ministries under the Pastoral Staff Ministry.
  • Stewardship
    Mission:To provide the educational and inspirational ministries designed to acquiant and train the membership regarding the requirements and benefits of tithing and giving from a biblical perspective.
  • Trustee Ministry
    Mission:To complete the Capital Campaign Fund and to set the stage for pledge commitment for 2004.
  • Youth Ministry
    ministryMission:To empower youth to discover and exercise their spiritual gifts, talents and skills for the glory of God.